Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Eagle Mountain

On Sunday GBC had the Christian band VOTA play a show with two other groups. It was a great show, lots of fun music and lots of people! It was around 100 degrees outside and with about 200 people in the church building it was about 90 degrees inside even with the swamp cooler running. The concert was such a cool opportunity for people to bring non-believing friends to a neutral(ish) setting and have them hear the Gospel. The band laid out their faith and shared the Gospel very clearly and openly. It was an awesome night!

On Monday I drove out to Eagle Mountain to work with a pastor out here. We have been hanging drywall in his basement in the mornings and going to help out at a VBS in Lehi about fifteen minutes from his house.

It was so cool to see how God worked in the VBS yesterday! On Monday Paul and I walked around Lehi with a team from Florida handing out info cards to advertise the VBS. We just went door-to-door and told people about the upcoming program. Although I truly wanted kids to show up to the VBS, in my mind I automatically assumed that we would be putting on this program for only kids from the small local church. I guess in my California mindset I just figured that no parent would ever drop their kids off at a park with complete strangers for a few hours. But I was quite wrong in my assumption. We had around fifty kids show up, it was pretty insane.

So today we will be going door-to-door again and putting on another day of VBS. We'll see how the turn out is today.

Thank you for your continued prayers! No new requests for now, just the same good stuff from before.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Back From Camp!

Wow, it has been a while since my last post. So much has happened over the last two weeks, it has been absolutely incredible!!!

I spent the last two weeks at Grace Haven Bible Camp. My first week at camp I had the privilege of counseling a group of seven high school guys (age range from 12 to 17). We spent the week living in a huge tent, playing ridiculous camp games (cow tongue volley ball for example), not showering and learning about God. It was smelly and awesome. God opened up huge opportunities for me to share with my guys in both our tent devotion times and our one-on-one meetings. One afternoon I got to hang out with two of my campers and explain the doctrine of the Trinity, it was an awesome time to share key verses and help them see the importance of having a right Biblical view of who God is.

My second week at camp was with elementary school kids. I didn't have to be a counselor that week (thank you Lord!) but instead got to be the camp rec guy. It was so much fun! That week at camp God presented me with some amazingly valuable conversations with pastors out here. One of the guys said the week was more of a career fair for me than a week at camp. (he said it jokingly but the funny thing is he was kind of right).

This morning I got to take part in one of GBC's ministries called Saturday Grace. Basically church and community members donate stuff all the time and then every third Saturday of the month the church opens up its doors and has everything from food to clothes there to bless people who have need. The stuff is simply out for people to take, no questions asked. The entire purpose of the ministry is to show Christ's love and grace to people in a very tangible and practical way.

Thank you for continuing to pray! Over the last two weeks I had the privilege of seeing numerous children enter into a relationship with Christ. Please pray for spiritual support for them as well as a hungering for truth and fellowship. Being a Christian child in Utah is not an easy thing. Please also continue to pray that God would lead me in where He wants to place me (both to the city and potentially to the mission organization He would have for me). If you are feeling spiritually brave... pray for revival in Utah! This state needs Jesus and they need the fullness and truth of His Gospel of Grace!!! Thank you so much for your support!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

4th of July... on the 3rd

I left Idaho this morning and made the drive back to Springville. Along the way back I got to stop by and see my high-school lacrosse buddy I met in Manti. It was a pretty funny time, I met the rest of his family, helped he and his dad move an old water-heater, and lit firecrackers with him in their backyard.

After that little detour I got back on the interstate and finished the drive to Derrick's house. Once I made it to Springville, the Smothers family and I loaded into their Ford and headed out Provo Canyon to Midway for what has become their family tradition fireworks show. (because the 4th of July lands on a Sunday this year they celebrate on the 3rd or 5th here in the Ute-to-the-Tah) It was great, we spent the evening hanging out, grilling, playing bocce ball and talking about anything/everything ministry. It was legit.

The fireworks were fantastic, they honestly were some of the biggest explosions I have ever seen! One of them actually was so huge the fallout lit the hill on fire where they were launching them from. Clearly the highlight of the show.

Tomorrow I'll be going to Grace Bible Church and then hanging out for the rest of the day. Then Monday we head out for youth camp, I get to be a camp counselor for the next two weeks! And this is actual camping, not staying in cabins with all the Hume perks. Im stoked! Camp ministry is also something I care a lot for, so combine Ute with camp and you get Matt's dream week. Whats more, God is giving me two weeks of it!

Please be praying for the kids that I will be responsible for over these next two weeks. There will be both Christian and LDS kids at these camps so please pray specifically that God would be preparing their hearts for His truth, that I would be able to share the Gospel through both actions and words, and ultimately that God would be glorified.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day With God

Idaho has been absolutely crazy you guys! Bill and Gloria are completely amazing people! Every moment that I spend with them if its working or just hanging out is a total blessing.

Yesterday Bill, Brady (another intern), and I moved/organized a pile of wood that the previous owner of their property had left behind. At lunch we took a break and got to talk with Bill about his ministry experience. He laid out a great outline using 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 and shared his heart with us about the joy and commitment of life in ministry. It was so cool to listen to this man share about roughly thirty years of ministry experience, the ups, the downs, the in-betweens. Brady and I got to ask him literally anything we could think of. I picked his brain on church planting, church leadership, and a bunch of other stuff. I wont type out every detail simply because that would take way too long but basically, the time was amazing and such a huge blessing.

Today Bill is working in his office at church all day so I got the official instruction to spend my day reading and praying. Im so stoked. I really need this time with my Savior and the Lord brought me this opportunity just at the right moment.

Please join me in prayer today, for my time today, for the EMI trip over interterm, for God's guidance in my life, for the ministry God has for me. Basically whatever God lays on your heart to pray I would appreciate your prayers! Thank you so much you guys.