Saturday, August 7, 2010

My Last Week in Utah

I dont know how time has gone so fast but it is officially the final week of my internship here in Utah. So much has happened over the last ten weeks its honestly insane.

God has used my time here in so many incredible ways. He has allowed me to connect with an incredible number of pastors and ministry workers spanning Nevada, Utah, Idaho and Wyoming. God has developed friendships in my life that are rooted, lasting and incredibly meaningful. He has also used my time to bring me along an amazing spiritual journey personally. There is no way to put into words everything that God has done in only a short time. There is one thing that has characterized my summer overall however.

The theme God has continued to stress in my life this summer is listening. Listening in a few different ways. First of all listening to those Ive been here to share Christ's love with. Although I 'knew' the importance of listening before, I have been challenged to deepen my listening skills when it comes to sharing Christ with people who need Him. (Nobody cares how much you know unless they know how much you care. Thanks Ken) Secondly the importance of listening to those in ministry ahead of me. There has been SO MUCH wisdom dumped on me (for lack of a better expression) this summer. Its pretty humbling to have had the opportunity to sit with men that have been active in service on the Utah field in some cases for longer than I have been alive. To be able to spend time with them, not in a classroom or seminar setting but at their home, experiencing life with them, what an incredible opportunity. I have gained an absolutely invaluable amount of knowledge from these men. And finally (as well as most importantly) the practice to listening to the Holy Spirit. This has been by far the most difficult lesson for me to learn this summer, and I am by no means done learning in this area (this is a lifetime learning course of study). I have however thoroughly enjoyed the adventure of hearing the voice of the Lord and obeying, even when there doesnt seem to be any rhyme or reason behind what the Lord may be leading me to do (like going downstairs to read, sharing certain aspects of my testimony, asking a certain question, making a certain phone call, the list is pretty much endless). If there is one thing that I can take away from this summer (obviously there are millions of things for me to take away) it would be that God loves us down to the tiniest of details. He knows exactly the perfect plan that He has for each and every one of us. And a life lived in obedience to His majestic whispers is a life lived in the fullness of the freedom of Christ.

I hope that made sense...

My last official summer prayer request: that God would provide opportunities for me to spend time with the people who have played an important role in my life this summer here in the Utah valley area. That God would bless my friends with safe travel to and from Utah this upcoming week. And that He would be preparing each of the EMI team members for our ministry this upcoming school year. (And of course anything and everything in-between that I didnt mention)

Thank you all so much for your faithful prayers over the course of this summer. I cant wait to see many of you soon!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

St. George

I dont know where my summer went but I have officially arrived at my last full week in Utah. Totally crazy. Today I drove from Springville down to St. George, I will be spending the week down here with Southland Bible Church's youth pastor Jason. Basically gonna be going around doing different stuff that needs to be done, checking out some areas down here that dont have any Christian churches and talking ministry as much as possible. Im really looking forward to what God is going to do this week!

Sorry that its been a while since my last posting. A ton has happened during the in-between time! Last week we had three youth groups from Colorado come out and put on a VBS at Grace. I got to help out with that and had a great time getting to know each of the three pastors as well as their kids. Last Monday we took them to temple square and did that whole bit, it was really cool to see God working in each of the high schoolers, eyes were definitely opened that first day to the spiritual situation here in Utah.

On Thursday I had the opportunity to meet up with an LDS friend of mine that I met over last Spring break. We got lunch and had an honestly RIDICULOUSLY awesome conversation!!! We went back to the LDS institute after lunch (he is an institute professor) and God opened up more doors for conversation. I ended up talking with four LDS profs, through their questions about my summer, my schooling and my involvement with EMI God allowed me to flat out share the Gospel with them. It was pretty nuts. And by "it was pretty nuts" I mean it was totally and completely off the chain God working in Utah craziness.

As far as prayer requests go, I would ask that you all be praying for each of the institute professors that I got to talk with. That God would be working in each of them, calling them to Himself. That He would open more doors for me to continue to share with them (they want to get together and have a dinner for me before I leave for California). Also that God would continue to guide my heart and my actions towards the ministry He has set before me. And finally, obviously that God would use me here in St. George this week and that His will would be done!

Thank you everybody so much for your prayers. I cant wait to see you all and get to tell you all more details about what God has done this summer!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Eagle Mountain

On Sunday GBC had the Christian band VOTA play a show with two other groups. It was a great show, lots of fun music and lots of people! It was around 100 degrees outside and with about 200 people in the church building it was about 90 degrees inside even with the swamp cooler running. The concert was such a cool opportunity for people to bring non-believing friends to a neutral(ish) setting and have them hear the Gospel. The band laid out their faith and shared the Gospel very clearly and openly. It was an awesome night!

On Monday I drove out to Eagle Mountain to work with a pastor out here. We have been hanging drywall in his basement in the mornings and going to help out at a VBS in Lehi about fifteen minutes from his house.

It was so cool to see how God worked in the VBS yesterday! On Monday Paul and I walked around Lehi with a team from Florida handing out info cards to advertise the VBS. We just went door-to-door and told people about the upcoming program. Although I truly wanted kids to show up to the VBS, in my mind I automatically assumed that we would be putting on this program for only kids from the small local church. I guess in my California mindset I just figured that no parent would ever drop their kids off at a park with complete strangers for a few hours. But I was quite wrong in my assumption. We had around fifty kids show up, it was pretty insane.

So today we will be going door-to-door again and putting on another day of VBS. We'll see how the turn out is today.

Thank you for your continued prayers! No new requests for now, just the same good stuff from before.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Back From Camp!

Wow, it has been a while since my last post. So much has happened over the last two weeks, it has been absolutely incredible!!!

I spent the last two weeks at Grace Haven Bible Camp. My first week at camp I had the privilege of counseling a group of seven high school guys (age range from 12 to 17). We spent the week living in a huge tent, playing ridiculous camp games (cow tongue volley ball for example), not showering and learning about God. It was smelly and awesome. God opened up huge opportunities for me to share with my guys in both our tent devotion times and our one-on-one meetings. One afternoon I got to hang out with two of my campers and explain the doctrine of the Trinity, it was an awesome time to share key verses and help them see the importance of having a right Biblical view of who God is.

My second week at camp was with elementary school kids. I didn't have to be a counselor that week (thank you Lord!) but instead got to be the camp rec guy. It was so much fun! That week at camp God presented me with some amazingly valuable conversations with pastors out here. One of the guys said the week was more of a career fair for me than a week at camp. (he said it jokingly but the funny thing is he was kind of right).

This morning I got to take part in one of GBC's ministries called Saturday Grace. Basically church and community members donate stuff all the time and then every third Saturday of the month the church opens up its doors and has everything from food to clothes there to bless people who have need. The stuff is simply out for people to take, no questions asked. The entire purpose of the ministry is to show Christ's love and grace to people in a very tangible and practical way.

Thank you for continuing to pray! Over the last two weeks I had the privilege of seeing numerous children enter into a relationship with Christ. Please pray for spiritual support for them as well as a hungering for truth and fellowship. Being a Christian child in Utah is not an easy thing. Please also continue to pray that God would lead me in where He wants to place me (both to the city and potentially to the mission organization He would have for me). If you are feeling spiritually brave... pray for revival in Utah! This state needs Jesus and they need the fullness and truth of His Gospel of Grace!!! Thank you so much for your support!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

4th of July... on the 3rd

I left Idaho this morning and made the drive back to Springville. Along the way back I got to stop by and see my high-school lacrosse buddy I met in Manti. It was a pretty funny time, I met the rest of his family, helped he and his dad move an old water-heater, and lit firecrackers with him in their backyard.

After that little detour I got back on the interstate and finished the drive to Derrick's house. Once I made it to Springville, the Smothers family and I loaded into their Ford and headed out Provo Canyon to Midway for what has become their family tradition fireworks show. (because the 4th of July lands on a Sunday this year they celebrate on the 3rd or 5th here in the Ute-to-the-Tah) It was great, we spent the evening hanging out, grilling, playing bocce ball and talking about anything/everything ministry. It was legit.

The fireworks were fantastic, they honestly were some of the biggest explosions I have ever seen! One of them actually was so huge the fallout lit the hill on fire where they were launching them from. Clearly the highlight of the show.

Tomorrow I'll be going to Grace Bible Church and then hanging out for the rest of the day. Then Monday we head out for youth camp, I get to be a camp counselor for the next two weeks! And this is actual camping, not staying in cabins with all the Hume perks. Im stoked! Camp ministry is also something I care a lot for, so combine Ute with camp and you get Matt's dream week. Whats more, God is giving me two weeks of it!

Please be praying for the kids that I will be responsible for over these next two weeks. There will be both Christian and LDS kids at these camps so please pray specifically that God would be preparing their hearts for His truth, that I would be able to share the Gospel through both actions and words, and ultimately that God would be glorified.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day With God

Idaho has been absolutely crazy you guys! Bill and Gloria are completely amazing people! Every moment that I spend with them if its working or just hanging out is a total blessing.

Yesterday Bill, Brady (another intern), and I moved/organized a pile of wood that the previous owner of their property had left behind. At lunch we took a break and got to talk with Bill about his ministry experience. He laid out a great outline using 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 and shared his heart with us about the joy and commitment of life in ministry. It was so cool to listen to this man share about roughly thirty years of ministry experience, the ups, the downs, the in-betweens. Brady and I got to ask him literally anything we could think of. I picked his brain on church planting, church leadership, and a bunch of other stuff. I wont type out every detail simply because that would take way too long but basically, the time was amazing and such a huge blessing.

Today Bill is working in his office at church all day so I got the official instruction to spend my day reading and praying. Im so stoked. I really need this time with my Savior and the Lord brought me this opportunity just at the right moment.

Please join me in prayer today, for my time today, for the EMI trip over interterm, for God's guidance in my life, for the ministry God has for me. Basically whatever God lays on your heart to pray I would appreciate your prayers! Thank you so much you guys.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Hello Idaho

Yesterday I drove from Springville up to Preston, ID. It is absolutely beautiful up here! This week will be more or less a spiritual retreat for me before I get back to work down in Sprinville. Im staying in my own cabin... its kind of insane, I have a desk to write/work at, a tv, a refrigerator, an amazing chair to read in and my own bathroom. Kind of overwhelming but insanely awesome at the same time.

Today I got to hang out with Gloria and have chai tea while talking about books, ministry, and God's plan. Pretty much a fantastic morning in every respect. Then I was able to sit outside and read a few chapters of "The Pursuit of God", once again Tozer is rocking my socks off. Finally this afternoon Bill and I went and dug a hole for a clothes line they are putting in and moved dirt. After that we went for a bike ride and talked about life, ministry and God. Again, a fantastic way to spend time!

This week is going to be an awesome time for me to glean as much knowledge and wisdom from these amazing people as I possibly can! I'll post more of what happens as it happens.

For now, please be praying for God to use this time to continue to transform me and remove the veil of my "self-life" as Tozer puts it, which separates me from living in the presence of God. Also please continue to pray for the conversations that were had in Manti, that the seeds that were planted would grow and that God would bring about continued interaction with those He wants me to keep talking to. Thank you so much for your support!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Last Night in Manti

Today was my last day in Ephraim/Manti. Although Im stoked to experience what God has for me over the rest of the summer, I was pretty bummed to leave. Getting to know and minister with each individual on the team was a unique blessing. Its bitter-sweet I guess would be the best way to put it.

The day was crazy. This morning God blessed me so incredibly, I went to our morning training and learned some useful stuff, but the blessing came in the form of prayer. The man speaking asked for people who felt led to ministry in Utah to come up so he could pray for us. His prayer for me was absolutely what I needed to hear! He voiced prayer over concerns that I had only ever spoken to the Lord, it was crazy, God was like "here Matt, happy birthday, I love you and Im in control". Totally nuts.

Then tonight at Manti God brought me to a totally amazing conversation! It started by somebody mistaking me for a Mormon yet again and handing me a tract. Being the jerk that I am I played along and asked the particular girl that wanted to convert me to explain the paperwork she had handed me. At that point one of this girl's previous paper victims walked up and asked her what the purpose was for her being there and what she was trying to get at with the tract. She explained a little bit and was done with the conversation. With the end of her explanation, he and I started talking about what the tract said and if we felt the gospel offered in Mormon doctrine was in fact hopeless. It was so cool because the conversation opened up into him asking questions on nearly every salvation-essential point of doctrine imaginable.

Long story short, be praying for this young man. He and I are going to continue meeting/talking over the summer and he truly wants to seek/find the truth. He admitted that he doesn't believe in the majority of LDS doctrine and wants to understand exactly who Jesus was and who God is. I told him that was a perfect place to start because our salvation hinges on the doctrine of God (if God doesn't exist and Jesus was simply a good person, then everything I am in Utah for is pointless).

Friday, June 25, 2010

Where is Boasting Then?

Tonight was an amazing night in Manti! I had a fantastic conversation with an LDS guy around my age, we talked about grace (obviously hugely important, not to mention one of my favorite topics to talk about) and salvation. The good stuff! He told me he doesn't believe most of what the church teaches and only believes for sure in God and Jesus... after asking him why he was LDS he explained it was because of family. We exchanged contact info and he wants to go through the book of Romans with me via Facebook messaging. Im super excited to see where God takes him!

Random fun tid-bit of comparison to consider:

Romans 3:27-28 (Paul has argued that the law exists to show man's absolute need for God)
"Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law."
Ephesians 2:8-9
"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God; Not of works, lest any man should boast."

Contrast that with the words of Joseph Smith:
"I have more to boast of than ever any man had. I am the only man that has ever been able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam. A large majority of the whole have stood by me. Neither Paul, John, Peter, nor Jesus ever did it. I boast that no man ever did such a work as I. The followers of Jesus ran away from Him; but the Latter-day Saints never ran away from me yet . . . " (History of the Church, vol. 6, p. 408-409)

Please be praying for God to work in Brian, Bob and Bob as well as continued blessing for Tri-Grace Ministries and Ephraim Church of the Bible! Also for safe travels for me, tomorrow I will be driving up to Springville and Sunday I will continue up to Preston, ID. Thank you so much for your faithful support!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Last Two Days

Over the last two days God has opened some pretty cool doors!

On Tuesday I met another one of the original Biola Utah Missions guys, he is legit and currently at Talbot and wants to help out with prep for our next trip however he can. Ok God.

Then later that night, my buddy Joe ran over and grabbed me saying something about lacrosse. Turns out there was a high school kid who played and wanted to talk with me about the sport. I laughed because 1) Im terrible at lacrosse and 2) I only played for a few months... but ok God, sure open door, go through? We ended up talking/hanging out with this young man for about four hours, we hung out again Wednesday night, we are hanging out Thursday night, and Friday... oh and he wants to come hang out at Biola when he goes to Disneyland with his family next year... Ok God.

Additionally, Joe and I drove up to Salt Lake on Wednesday to spend time with our Conference Center friend (tour guide). We met up in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building and found a place to sit and talk (this was at 11:00am). He started right off by asking us what Bible verse was most important to each of us... no small question. I started to freak out, in the midst of my freaking out God, as He always does, pulled through. As my dear Mormon friend handed me his quad, I turned to Romans 3 and read to him from the King James text these lines:

19Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.20Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.21But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;22Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:23For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;24Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:25Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;26To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.27Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith.28Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.

He then went on to ask about the nature of the Trinity, the place of works in our faith, how we show love to Christ, and honestly nearly every other doctrinal/theological topic you could imagine. It was great. Joe and I were totally blown away by his openness and genuine desire to share and learn.

After lunch we figured it would be time for us to go... but he wanted to keep talking with us! We went for a drive out of the city up a beautiful canyon on the Eastern side of the Salt Lake valley. By the time we were done talking and had made it back to my car it was 6:00pm! The day was absolutely crazy awesome.

Please continue to pray for the conversations that will be taking place at the Manti pageant over the next three days as well as for continued relationship building opportunities! Thank you so much for your support dear friends!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Our God is an Awesome God!!!

Today we went up to SLC again to hang out around temple square. On the way up I spent time talking with a couple of our ministry directors about opportunities here in Utah and God opened up some pretty cool ideas for both EMI as well as church planting! It was such a cool way to start the day.

When we arrived in SLC we got out and prayed as a group for divine appointments and spiritual guidance... God does not disappoint!

I headed into the church museum with a few other brothers who also were from California. After awhile of walking through the museum one of the guys we were with got into a great conversation with one of the curators about salvation. Because the secret service often like to come in and distract two of us not involved in the convo took up positions to intercept any would-be-conversation-breakers.

As I was standing there praying/pretending to look at some artwork I noticed two college kids walking towards me. I figured it was time to intercept. After talking for about thirty seconds I realized we were on the same page, it turns out they were both believers from Fresno and were here visiting SLC on their way to... (ok God) the Manti pageant.

I grabbed my buddy Joe and the four of us randomly brought together Californians headed over to talk with some sister missionaries. The sisters we were assigned werent really in the mood to talk. We had an ok discussion but it ended rather abruptly with them bearing their testimony and informing us they didnt have any more time for questions.

At that point we walked to the conference center. By God's timing we lost our original tour guide about five minutes into our tour and ended up spending the rest of our time with quite possibly the most wonderful elderly man I have ever met. We struck up a fantastic conversation with him, talking about everything from his childhood to present day. It was absolutely incredible. It was weird but for quite a long time I kept wanting to take the conversation to spiritual things but I felt the Holy Spirit keep telling me to wait, and strangely none of the other three took it there either.

Finally after a long time of simply listening to his life, sharing about singing (he was a high-school choir teacher), and enjoying his company he paused and commented on how he could visibly see how each of us were filled with the joy of Christ. Door: open.

From that point onward our conversation was completely focused on the God of the Bible, salvation through grace and faith alone, Christ's deity and His absolute personal love for each of us, the list honestly goes on and on and on! He shared with us his doubts about the book of Mormon, his sense of confusion and uncomfortability over temple work, and various other reservations. It was absolutely crazy how open and receptive he was!!! Each of us had individual points to contribute, God honestly perfectly orchestrated the entire thing, it was beautiful!

We finally came to the end of our tour, and it was only fitting to conclude our time in prayer. Our odd and obviously God ordained group stood to one side of the exit in the LDS general conference center and prayed over our wonderful tour guide. Through tears he thanked each of us individually and exchanged contact information with us all because he wants to make a conscious effort to stay in contact with us in order to continue our talks about spiritual things.

God is good all the time. All the time God is good.
Please pray for that continued relationship, for seeds to be watered in his life, and for God to redeem and adopt that sweet man before he stands in front of the throne of our Righteous Judge. Thank you all so so much for your continued spiritual support!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

First off, happy father's day to all three of my fathers! (Heavenly, biological, and step for those of you who are trying to figure that one out) No offense to my earthly dads but today I am most thankful for my adoption into sonship with the Creator of the universe! Just know that in no way diminishes my love for you two down here.

I have some really fun stories about how personal our God is! He uses the most random personal experiences for His glory (like Boy Scouts)

The other night things weren't going well on the streets of Manti. All day stuff had been falling apart more or less. There was a youthgroup coming in from California, their van's transmission blew out about an hour away from town. Other little annoying distractions had been going on at the cafe (for instance the internet went out and that took multiple hours to fix). Basically our whole team was kind of annoyed/distracted by the time we made it out to Manti. As we were worshiping before we headed out God really burdened my heart to be praying for people's conversations rather than looking for people to talk to. So as the team took to the streets I just walked around and prayed for my brothers and sisters. I was standing near a large group of students that were listening to one of our guys answer questions that people had and I asked God to keep the kids focused and allow them to absorb His truth. Randomly this guy walked up and stood right next to me, he started to yell at the high-school kids standing there "why are you listening to this crap? This is so stupid!" etc etc etc. So naturally I was like "ok God, do your thing, show me how to talk to this guy". I turned to him and asked why they shouldnt be listening, he stopped yelling and rather sheepishly told me he had just been in a conversation that went nowhere and ended with his scout master pulling him away. Boom, scouts, we started talking about scouting, how soon he would finish his Eagle, how I had only finished a week before my 18th birthday and other random scout stuff. I didnt even get a chance to transition the conversation to eternal things before he abruptly said he had to go and literally ran off. I was a little disappointed in the whole interaction until I realized God had essentially used me as a buffer, that quick interaction had stopped him from distracting the crowd of high-schoolers from hearing God's truth being preached to them.
Thank you for faithfully praying! God brought a young woman to His saving grace and continues to draw souls to Himself through our interactions in Manti!

Saturday, June 19, 2010


So the last two days have been pretty crazy! God has brought some awesome opportunities to me as far as conversations and resources go for EMI next year!!! Im totally stoked to see how He continues to unfold His ridiculously amazing Master plan in front of me.

The last two nights have been equally crazy. We have gone to Manti to talk with people who are hanging around for the pageant. God has opened up awesome conversations for people, bringing people together who have very specific similarities and using those for His truth to be heard! I love how He continually reminds me that NOTHING is wasted in His perfect plan!!! Its really late and I need to be up early, if you want details call me.

Thank you all so much for your continued prayer!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

SLC Temple

Today we went to Temple Square in SLC. It is by no means my favorite place in the world and was actually quite draining being there. But the good news is God has overcome the world!

Our entire drive from Ephriam to SLC was pretty cool, it was spent in prayer and then about six of us in the van had the opportunity to talk about God's redeeming power in our lives individually. The drive was such a great time of preparation spiritually!

We spent pretty much the entire day taking tours to talk with sister missionaries. The conversations we had were great, God opened up huge opportunities to share His truth in love and bring about real deep spiritual issues that each of them were left to ponder after they left our group. To God alone be the glory!

The spiritual darkness is so heavy there. Please pray for the seeds that were planted today, that God would bring His increase in His perfect timing.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Divine Appointments

God is so Awesome!!!

So today we had Bible study in the morning, we talked about the Trinity. In the afternoon I had some free time between our study sessions so I decided to do a little reading on my own. I went up to my room and got out my Bible, a yellow legal pad (best paper for note taking EVER), and of course good ol' Grudem's Systematic Theology. For some reason I just couldn't get comfortable on my bed so I decided to go downstairs and do my reading/note-taking in the coffee shop (I sleep above Tri-Grace Ministries' cafe Solid Rock).

As Im sitting there in the completely empty coffee shop, randomly this guy walks in through the front door. He and I started talking, it turns out this guy was a student at the college across the street and had some questions about things "Christians believe" because of some YouTube videos he had seen (praise God for the interwebz).

It also turns out that those questions revolved largely around the topic of grace... which happens to be one of my favorite topics to talk about!!! So he and I sat for around two and a half hours talking about faith in Christ and much more before he finally had to go.

As he was leaving he told me he had some more questions he wanted to talk with me about, those questions just so happened to be about THE TRINITY (Ok God...) So all that being said he and I are hanging out again tomorrow (and how ever many more times he will put up with me/I can fit in the two weeks Im here).

So please be praying for Mike! That God will open his ears, soften his heart, and continue to penetrate his mind with Biblical Truth! We serve an amazing God who loves each of us uniquely and individually. He is advancing His Kingdom one life at a time!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hello Ephriam!

I am officially in Utah! Truck unpacked, bed made, ready to start training tomorrow morning at 9:30! God is so so so good!!!

The drive out was such a fantastic blessing. God's sense of humor and love in His communication with me along the way was absolutely amazing, the ten hours in my truck honestly seemed to fly by.

Thank you so much for your prayers! Know that God is answering them already!!! I cant wait to see what God does over the next two weeks in Ephriam.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Almost Time to Head Out!

So I drive from La Mirada, California to Ephriam, Utah tomorrow morning! God has blessed me incredibly over the last week through a conference at my church down here (Urban Renewal). Its honestly been like charging my spiritual batteries and Im totally stoked for what God has ahead of me this summer!!!

If you could continue to pray for relationships to be built that would be huge, both with the churches/pastors I work with as well as the lost that God brings me into contact with.

Thank you all so much for your prayers, I cant wait to keep you updated on how God is advancing His kingdom in Utah!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Prayer Requests!

I leave for Utah in just under two weeks (12 days)! That fact is really exciting and slightly terrifying all in the same instance. If you guys could keep me in prayer over the course of the summer that would be completely amazing!!! I will continue to update my specific prayer requests over the course of the summer but for now here is a quick list of things I would love to be lifted up!

-For God to be glorified!!!
-For God to open doors and for me to obey in faith walking through them
-For relationships to be built
-For humility, patience and love
-For Christ to be exhibited in all of my actions/interactions

Ephesians 6:19-20

Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.