Monday, June 21, 2010

Our God is an Awesome God!!!

Today we went up to SLC again to hang out around temple square. On the way up I spent time talking with a couple of our ministry directors about opportunities here in Utah and God opened up some pretty cool ideas for both EMI as well as church planting! It was such a cool way to start the day.

When we arrived in SLC we got out and prayed as a group for divine appointments and spiritual guidance... God does not disappoint!

I headed into the church museum with a few other brothers who also were from California. After awhile of walking through the museum one of the guys we were with got into a great conversation with one of the curators about salvation. Because the secret service often like to come in and distract two of us not involved in the convo took up positions to intercept any would-be-conversation-breakers.

As I was standing there praying/pretending to look at some artwork I noticed two college kids walking towards me. I figured it was time to intercept. After talking for about thirty seconds I realized we were on the same page, it turns out they were both believers from Fresno and were here visiting SLC on their way to... (ok God) the Manti pageant.

I grabbed my buddy Joe and the four of us randomly brought together Californians headed over to talk with some sister missionaries. The sisters we were assigned werent really in the mood to talk. We had an ok discussion but it ended rather abruptly with them bearing their testimony and informing us they didnt have any more time for questions.

At that point we walked to the conference center. By God's timing we lost our original tour guide about five minutes into our tour and ended up spending the rest of our time with quite possibly the most wonderful elderly man I have ever met. We struck up a fantastic conversation with him, talking about everything from his childhood to present day. It was absolutely incredible. It was weird but for quite a long time I kept wanting to take the conversation to spiritual things but I felt the Holy Spirit keep telling me to wait, and strangely none of the other three took it there either.

Finally after a long time of simply listening to his life, sharing about singing (he was a high-school choir teacher), and enjoying his company he paused and commented on how he could visibly see how each of us were filled with the joy of Christ. Door: open.

From that point onward our conversation was completely focused on the God of the Bible, salvation through grace and faith alone, Christ's deity and His absolute personal love for each of us, the list honestly goes on and on and on! He shared with us his doubts about the book of Mormon, his sense of confusion and uncomfortability over temple work, and various other reservations. It was absolutely crazy how open and receptive he was!!! Each of us had individual points to contribute, God honestly perfectly orchestrated the entire thing, it was beautiful!

We finally came to the end of our tour, and it was only fitting to conclude our time in prayer. Our odd and obviously God ordained group stood to one side of the exit in the LDS general conference center and prayed over our wonderful tour guide. Through tears he thanked each of us individually and exchanged contact information with us all because he wants to make a conscious effort to stay in contact with us in order to continue our talks about spiritual things.

God is good all the time. All the time God is good.
Please pray for that continued relationship, for seeds to be watered in his life, and for God to redeem and adopt that sweet man before he stands in front of the throne of our Righteous Judge. Thank you all so so much for your continued spiritual support!

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